Tomoyoshi Date
DAY2 (10/14 SATURDAY DAWN),Outer Space
DAY3 (10/15 SUNDAY DAWN),Outer Space

ソロ、Opitope(w/ Chihei Hatakeyama)、ILLUHA(w/ Corey Fuller)、Melodia(w/ Federico Durand)などのユニットで、世界各国から23枚のフルアルバムをリリースし、開設。各種連載や文筆・ラジオ活動なども行う、東洋医学と西洋医学を併用する「つゆくさ医院」の院長でもある、医師・音楽家。
2017年にILLUHA名義で出演して以来、6年ぶり2回目のCAMP Off-Tone参加となる今回、全日程の中、2回の「夜明け」を告げるため、当日の日の出時刻に合わせて演奏をスタートする。
With releases spanning 23 full albums under various units like solo, Opitope (with Chihei Hatakeyama), ILLUHA (with Corey Fuller), and Melodia (with Federico Durand), this physician and musician is the director of the “Tsuyukusa Clinic,” where Eastern and Western medicine coexist. Engaging in diverse activities including serial publications, writing, and radio, they’ve also founded their own label.
Having participated under the ILLUHA alias in 2017, this marks his second appearance at CAMP Off-Tone, a return after six years. Among the event’s entirety, he will herald two instances of “dawn.” They will start their performance in synchronization with the sunrise time on the event day. Alongside the delicate notes of the piano, anticipate sensing a sunrise somewhere and welcoming the light that filters through the forest. He is sure to craft such a sacred moment.