DAY2(10/14 SATURDAY),Inner Space

〈EM Records〉からリリースされた「如の夜庭 Garden in the Night (An Electronic Re-creation)」は、夜の虫音を電子音で完コピするという狂気の作品で、CAMP Off-Toneでは本人公認の元に会場内のお風呂BGMとして使用したこともある。
Inner Spaceで闇夜に繰り広げられる音の奇祭に、あなたの想像力は完全に解放される。
He is a space-time designerwise Karakuri track maker that with a unique style of sound production and performance reminiscent of Japan’s nights, swiftly transports the darkness into otherworldly realms on a global scale. Released via “EM Records,” “Garden in the Night (An Electronic Re-creation)” is a mad creation that meticulously replicates the sounds of nocturnal insects using electronic tones. At past CAMP Off-Tone, it was officially adopted as background music for the venue’s bath area. Now, the eccentric sonic ritual unfurling in the dark night of the Inner Space will certainly set free your imagination in unexpected ways. Stay tuned.